this is relative to truths of today and are not in absolutes but there’s element of absolute in parts

ur not obligated to forgive others.

in this day and age where there’s a lot synthetic happenstances. dishonesty. intentional concealed reasoning as well as strategic selective planning, sometimes the main recognizance comes from the ability to see where ur being led. or more so. misled.

forgiveness is much like consent. that ur in agreement with what may have transpired. or that what happened to u is ok. whereas it’s not. unfortunately many people tend to abuse such studies of thought. they think that so long as they don’t accept their own wrongdoings and put others in a position whose needs may depend on them to forgive the issues that may have happened is going to get them clear conscience , it’s all part of using such spiritual studies for ones own selfish benefit because of what things seem like on the surface as opposed to their intrinsic meaning.

there’s a lot of artificiality in the recency of our human world development which has took traction in several decades. where many folks who may have done wrong unintentionally begun to realize the heaviness of what little heart they have left. to switch things up a bit while also maintaining power and control over world populations.

there is also manifesting the similar occurrences play out in smaller contexts. and or smaller groups. which then trickles down to discrepancies between couple of individuals to what may be a quality of relationship within one individual in terms of how they handle their own life instances.

the artificiality of such reason for resolve as well as simply cheapening of such studies and bastardizing of such meanings as well as information that could otherwise help people and thereby improve societies comes from the precise reason that those who have initially instigated such toxic behaviours on others. without their knowledge. causing much harm on their own progress. but because they had or have the upper hand and no precise guidance and or amicable path caused them internal and spiritual blindness instead.

it’s via this blindness that they are absolutely incapable of self forgiveness that they must deny within themselves the toxicity of their decisions that had upon many others as well as their conscience that may cause negative impact within their being. thus they tend to surround themselves among others , with like minds, whose behaviours did much of the same , which causes them to share in this mutual blindness as well as denial of accountability and nobility in the way of solving their transgressions on the path of recognizance and actualizing of awakening on earth.

unfortunately. it’s all about soul stuff. but the more u become disconnected from ur soul. the harder it is to connect to ur inner resources. so no matter how much studious u maybe. or what sort of information u. may have within ur hand. depending on ur own inner quality of person. the water (aka life force aka ur spiritual inner resources ) take the shape and form via ur true intentions as well as coloured by what’s in ur heart.

so the same information can be transformative in well intended person whereas in a ill intended person may end up producing entirely different end result. if u can mimic from someone u have targeted to be good based on by the societal response to the good quality of that individual. nonetheless bc it lacks spirit and soul even the most untrained mind will not get much out of it since it also lacks the truth of the substance that’s necessary to catalase any meaningful result in the world. but it may duplicate and multiply in a negative way in the world. so making space for potential foul play in all levels of world structure and peoples even among those most established expertly ones inclusive of “nice people” is essential to hone ur intuition and discernment tools. (also self doubt occasionally allows us to revamp check for validity of the information we may have so that we continue to add to it and update it for relevancy and accurate sense. so in a way if ur too certain of things without healthy dose of doubt then u may make errors in which adds to the primary objective to overcome before u continue resolving much deeper or bigger picture portion of things ) (remember. some of the most expertly people out there depend on the certitude of their credibility more than the quality of their wisdom)

on the other hand, if ur asking urself if u have any mental illness then chances are u don’t. ur perfectly fine. ur only responding to and reacting to a very toxic world environment where things such as above mentioned are extremely normalized and nothing is as it seems. and bc those who don’t question their mental illness who think they are perfect able capable human beings parade around the world acting like they are worthy to look up to who also operate systems people depend on cause much effect in negative way in the world. this ends up causing people who have no mental illness to assume or think they themselves are the problem. we internalize that which we don’t understand and don’t know how to sort thru and process properly because things aren’t as they seem.

and when u also forgive others who don’t deserve ur forgiveness ur consenting to a sort of treatment that is less than u deserve. (this includes unnecessary medical treatments )

people who cause intentional harm depend on that forgives to strengthen their faulty mindset and take esteem from having accomplished fooling others. this may on the outside make them seem optimistic for good change but hardly any good comes from such double flippant reality. where the main objective is to deceive others and deny within one self any accountability in ones faults and faulty use of wisdom.

most people want shortcuts to success. albeit this can be personal success. or success within the world where by which u wish to leave smth of worthy in the world long after ur gone. but there is absolutely no shortcuts. if anything comes easy. then one must always look for conditions and contracts (that are usually partial in information ) as well as hooks and attachments. or that something may expect from u an unrealistic degree of trust that is also one sided. meaning that the trust is usually asked from u bc u as the general populations are generally untrustworthy unless ur expert or leader or some type of individual who only seems like they have established status in the world. (this refers to imbalance in busines place. where u need to gain funds but then authority depends to touch ur soul or take excessive part in ur private life and reality) (while they conceal theirs or only give u what they wish for u to know. nothing more )

but. given by the above mentioned. bc some have abused their power of transpiring their own issues and concealed them whereas exploiting others targeted individual in order to distract the masses. or even from their own groups to have a lesser sentence of loss of credibility is also at play.

so do not forgive that which u do not fully understand.

not all paths lead to the same.

and not everyone has ur best interest at heart no matter how well intentioned they may seem.

once u cut off the excess noise and train ur eyes to see thru the facade. (and stop competing and comparing and be happy with little and not pursue a lot ) only then can u tell what’s the diamond in the rough and among the falsity of that which glitters like gold. (beware. some good friends will turn on u bc they may wish to pursue falsity or prioritize wrong objective since it took us a long time to get here. getting out will take long time and due diligence from everyone ) but it’s just a way to trick the senses into thinking it’s good. and when u get out of th way of the toxic and ill intentioned. then u are no longer further compromising their path of overcoming their own suffering and issues bc let’s face it. (the art of saying no to the right wrong thing) while some may act like doing those things may bring u peace and happiness. it’s just the looks of it. i will never be convinced that those who uphold such faulty values to be happy today indeed.


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