the body

is the vessel thru which we form bridge to the physical reality and the world surrounding us with its unique laws and experiences which allow its laws and experiences to merge with our own, coupled by our body’s own laws as well as our soul stuff that we bring here with it.

heavy emphasis on the body sensations can get us to live life of dukka. in samsara reality where it has its own processes long developed before we got here. as participates of such. we may get temporarily distracted and separated from the continuity of our inner reserves if we are not careful and cautious. and all this can cause us unnecessary attachment. and further suffering. lessons of which is nothing new under the sun. we are not gonna get anywhere by relocating the same old mistakes of our past ancestors. it’s best to train the mind and senses to learn from mistakes of others thus so that we reserve our energy for things that matter. and allow others to choose their own errors.

the heavy emphasis on body sensations as coupled with the wrong connection of the synchronicity around us. we can get heavily misdirected as to what is happening. why it’s happening. who is doing what. for what purpose. as well as how everything is coming together in terms of their entire mechanism. which further put us in such conundrum where by which we assume the artificial symbols signs as well as signals for the real which end up causing us to commit sins. which end up causing or adding to suffering. our own and or each other’s. sometimes we must prioritize ourselves and not fall into the following of the majority mindset no matter how in the past they may have gained credit in terms of their leaderships.

and things change. so do such leaderships and intentions. it’s best to always use ur intellect and reason and intentions for the benefit of all. when viewed this way. if there is any discrepancy of any others offer of thought represents falsity and harm to anyone else. that should be red flag enough to discern. as well as any display for disrespect for children. for all children are equal thus and the seeds of future. anyone who disrespect children should be taken cautiously.

how do we tell organic natural synchronicity from those established in the false sense depended on the inner repertoire we have gained thru life? our brains for instance perceives everything even when we do not selectively think about stuff. even by simply observing as we are, we are gathering data all the time. then there’s a process by which everything gets sorted out.

the frequencies that we partake in as well as our intuitive centres allows us to use our precision focus to tune into specific forms of data at any given time. which is why the art of misdirecting people manipulating them. as well as juxtaposing their own inner resources is very lucrative business (as well as mining their potential for profit ) (a negative feedbacks loop occurs if ur on shit list where the more good u do the more they take but the quality of their “feedback” gets worse and worse which may make u feel not enough or not good enough and which can cause u to burn out bc then u overextend ursled to do more than u should or are supposed to when u miss the step of realizing ur being conned) out there because a lot depends on the consent of the people to make them possible out there in terms of the artificial systems we are part of.

(brain plasticity and repetitiveness of stuff matters here. so do specifics key words which unite people and those that work to cause further animosity in all. it’s our choice to listen without being affected thus. and attachment to its effects. and it’s up to us and within reach to know more than what we are given. if we allow ourselves to remain focused at big picture as opposed to how some try to narrow our thought process to get us misled or waste our finite energy on our day to day living and continuity of our soul journey among the worlds own diversity surrounding us ).

don’t make the mistake of overgeneralizing on the errors of other also. this could be intentional trick to get people further animosity where there need to be none. stick to ur values and ethics in terms of human rights and focus on the objectives there is only so much we can do in terms of what can and can’t be helped being efficient with where our energy and help goes also allows for things to get resolved when we refrain from adding to the opposite end.

the natural world is synchronous to natural laws of the planetary forces and the universe in which we are part of and are inevitably connected to. aside from the astronomy others talk about(beware for attachment to misguide of others here. some try to use old tactics to get folks to fear unrealistically. and augment their directions and decisions that they allow themselves to get influenced or inspired by popular thought on subjects and such objectives. u already are enough. u have the power to tap into ur inner resources at any time and have the same right to access higher realms give urself the chance u keep giving others so freely) .

that’s why there’s a whole enterprise to isolate people. to cause separation in societies. in groups in families and friendships and romantic relationships and even in kids. bc alone ur easier to mislead and misguide and when they succeed. they profit off ur suffering and loneliness and heavy dependence on what they have to offer. (as well as heavy promotion of drugs)

spending enough time to meditate and be in nature allows us to connect to the outer realms with ease. this is everyone’s right. and is within reach for all equally when we turn off the artificial sounds of others and become skilled enough to swim through the synthetic synchronicity (given by experience and never giving up on urself even when others want u to) (as part of others trickery mindset of dominion ) created by the delusions and ill intentions of others we only become present and aware within this natural order of existence and mysteries beyond. (also find organic connections. people who accept u for who u are. not what u can do for them. )

just simply looking at a patch of dirt. a piece of grass a tiny flower. and a tree. fresh air by opening ur window or going outside for a few. or even the sky above our heads can get us there. is bc we are so familiar with our home abode and this world is full of samsaric pleasure especially nowadays promoting with ever so loudly the body desires and nakedness of body coupled by financial desires and selfish pursuit where at every avenue u wish to express ur organic nature. and to call the fraud from the real u get shot down. get cancelled or shamed for being anti this and anti that. that u become constrained or feel the illusion of constrictions.

;-always pay ur respects to the dead. – which includes ur past versions of urself. the more we are living to our own and each other’s the easier the transition between ever changing milestones and changes that are inevitable as we course through this life. make peace with letting go of what not longer serves us also. )

but this is illusion. and ur fears are projected as per others strong desire to dominate the higher realms and their wishes to hijack the potential of the astral space as well as quantum field ( and take credit for others work or assume it was theirs all along which creates more animosity in the world in terms of our potential and contribution to the world ) of manifesting realities which is also everyone’s right. which is propelled by material greed and hunger for power. especially power of others.

(if some reveal themselves and their intentions as most do in hope for being transparent or hiding in plain sight. take it. don’t deny it or try to save them. they will have to face their own music. they will have to save themselves. and don’t try to be their saviour or get sad bc they choose to hate u. u don’t need everyone love. higher love. sure. lower ones? not so much. ur definitely better off without it. ) ( some are excessively disconnected from their higher self. the more attuned u are to urs the better ur able to see the progress of others be loving here. for life on earth is not easy. it’s hard to human. and as long as systems governed by some remain this way. it will not change. at least not overnight. so love from afar. pray for the awakening of all beings. the more of us are in our power instead of seizing others power for selfish pursuit the better all our lives for all of us. so wish them well anyway)

and u don’t have to hate them either. love them from afar. pray for them. and don’t get involved in their lower life form activities. and don’t promote that (intentional and unintentional mislead of others which end up multiplying the less we know about their true cause) either.

it will die off organically the less we feed into it. though call it by its name. internally if u can’t do it in public. for the more attuned we are to what is. the less likely we will be misguided by the intense efforts of others to destroy human achievements. by the sacrifices made by all our ancestors. we need to give respect where it’s due in terms of dark human history and be grateful for the recent achievements made. survival of our species depends on this level of high thought and higher mindset.

as some would say. power is to be taken . and not realized. (pride is one of the worst sins to break free from. ) (is definitely linked with delusions of this material world. is gateway to other sins and causes us much ego suffering. is often mistaken for higher self but in truth it’s not ) which is great mistake . and great error of judgement. which trickles down from their masters. which only works to keep the hierarchies (those subordinate to their masters are more likely to wanna dominate u) within societies that are already established. only to change faces so that those who are at higher order contour the art of separation between people. (bc they get promise for financial riches or fake or nothing they follow directions) albeit however blind they may be to their own inner resources. and great mislead. (from their inner god or higher self ) as form of solving their past problems (as they prioritize finite over the sanctity of human soul development and intrinsic quality of being).

recognizing others sloppy way of solving their own issues and staying out of their way would be key to not let it spread further and or influence others in their processes including ur own. because we can’t change others. force them to wake up to their own nonsense. and stop hurting themselves and each other. it’s best to recognize which we can change from that we don’t have power to awaken.

the world has already changed.

but we can still change it for better. once the dust settles w e can see better.

u should be motivated only by fear of missing out on your progress u could make on ur soul development. nothing else. for everything else. u can approach critically with open mind. calculate how much risk u can make before decision on something. never be angry for anger much like other sins can be temporarily and in some cases heavily blinding. for u to get angry about other peoples ignorance. u must value their opinion. so be selective in that sort of information gathering and honouring of the truth of others.

u can see that the truth hidden anywhere. for the truth could simply be their desperation to change their environment but in wrong way possible. so then ur mission should be to relieve people off the suffering. and not add any more to it. if u allow urslef to be tricked. do u think that will solve suffering or add more to it. discerning this is love embodied for all. even tho on the exterior it may seem like hate ( fears of others for denying what they say or strongly certainly believe to be true ) or rejection.

in short. refraining from participating and multiplying delusion and harm of others is practice of greater love for all. a wrong is wrong no matter how well intentioned it may be or well calculated in terms of it’s reason. and a right is right even if it may sound harsh (assertiveness) or ur the only one standing for it.

remember. don’t raise ur voice. in terms of conflict. raise ur intentions to serve all equally.


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