a boring life

is far from boring. it just no longer fills itself with the frivolous pleasures of excess and stops getting in its own way of its spiritual development which allows it to efficiently produce better results within and without by the utility of its inner resources and its receptives in terms of its connectivity between inner and outer world.

we do need each other. that part is true. but there’s a lot of misconception as to how much of the responsibly falls on us in terms of our burden and lessons as well as how much of that is produced as a result of our environment as well as the utility of and efficability within which we know how to use the directives of our resources.

we hear a lot of things like this is important and that. we look around and our senses our overstimulated with over abundance of verifying degrees of thought. various schools of study and are thus forced to make stark decisions without fully understanding what is being conveyed and how we can go about sorting things out.

there’s a notion by which we realize that all is part of everything else. and that there is potential that some things are artificial or not real or can cause hazard to our well being should we err on our decision making since this impedes our choices and how we conduct ourselves towards one another. our choices can impact others whom we never meet based on by the connectivity of our inner realm ( human soul ) as well as external systems. both man made and those that are natural laws that govern us all.

however it’s essential to priorize that which is a need from that which is wants. and it’s essential to simplify what are these needs before we assume or mistake a want or attachment to a desire and mistake that as priority.

the simplified life is far from boring because we never run out of curiosity and wonder within which we begin to question bigger life happenstances as well as cosmic source of which we originated but this line of thinking makes us less likely to fall into ego based prideful misleading. which can be traps to our well being as well as personal development.

u may have heard urself say. i am this and i’m that. the cosmic unending source of all things divine. which is nice. but then ur like oh so and so makes me feel this particularly way and i don’t like that. so. imma go and do this one thing which is not right. and then i will begin my divine journey afterwords. this is a big mistake.

u may think or measure a subject by its size but u may never know how deep it’s impact maybe or not notice the cost this may have upon ur soul and personal progress. accountability lies in knowing that all things big and small are always counted and answered for..

the simplified life allows us to prioritize how to upkeep ourselves which then reflects our actions and conduct with each other and in community. u may be more sensitive to ur city or town. u may be likely to serve each other with out thinking much about what u may get out of it. but only do it bc u know it’s the right thing to do. and u can see that each of us have a role to play from small to large

which can eliminate bigger problems later on if we all recognize that caring for ourselves reflects our community care and our community care reflects each of its members’ well being. then no one is left behind and no one feels isolated.

as community we also teach those outside how we wish to be treated. and this can inspire them to adopt to our good habits and well behaviours. which in a non direct way. inspires the rest of the world.

because we adopt to our surroundings. by being aware and present at all times in all we do we promote more of the same in the world. which means that when a bad things occur we can discern when it’s small and not adopt to bad habits or toxic behaviour and tend to it before it snowballs into smth big.

for example. when u have kids and u have to hustle and bustle with days life. and things happen. u may find urself at conundrum. and tired. u turn the tv on and let that be a babysitter. and u realize how easy this is. u may not recognize the content.

and u may not recognize harm. overtime. kids adopt to this “new environment”. and they start to misbehave since some content can be questionable for their minds. and can leave lasting impact on their person if we are not there to break things down for them or teach them how to handle overflow of information and their reason

in a way. an hour of ease turns to misbehaviour and then u think oh no i don’t know how to remedy that. get tired. and do more of the same which produces characteristics that are unnatural. so in a way. u think ur making things easy short term but over long term u end up having to deal with bigger issues even u don’t understand the root and source of where they come from and mistake that for fixed characteristic.

it’s a lot better to do the hard thing even tho u may feel temporarily overburdened. at the very least. be present and sort the information out. this is not helicopter parenting. bc ur not calling out everything. or telling ur kids what to think. or constricting them from a world u can’t control. but merely being present so at least u know what type of information is there and use that to ur advantage to teach them how to handle it themselves.

for some things bigger than us. we can’t control or prevent for long, this is responsible thing to do to merge without getting caught in its own storm or isolate ur kids from world in hopes to keep them safe only for them to get lost later on bc they were never introduced.

at any rate as u can see a boring life is far from boring. because our natural authentic nature already comes with plenty of hardship and challenges. think of urself as a curious scientist. and always test things out for urself and find out if smth is true or false. what sort of intentions it has and if it’s excess and causes too much side effects. have the willingness to alter things so they work for u as opposed to the other way around.

for a world that’s already full of contradictions and trouble. the least we can do is not add any more to it. we don’t want to support and strengthen the wrong things bc while they may not h ur t or harm us immediately or directly they may hurt and harm others more vulnerable members of the world whom we don’t even know what sort of circumstances they may be in. (or it could be u)

in abstract being accountable and responsible with our choices can save someone’s life (or even ur own) and that’s an intention i can live for.


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