we don’t know if what we know

is the information as is to be known or is coloured by and filtered thru our perception and wisdom developed over time as well as our set of biases that we function through.

there’s also the emotional attachment to certify conditioned thinking that seems to be standard

sometimes our emotions and thoughts can become entangled. this is often seen thru such experices heightened where by which triggers within us reactions without much thought.

as in traumas and other forms of attachment or deep seated rooted information that we feel too certain about from which there seems to be no way out. the way that level of certainty works is in fact used as a means to mitigate innermost feeling canters that originally formed along with whatever initial experices coupled by our thinking and emotional centres might have produced thereafter.

maybe initially we sought some type of way out of it but didn’t find proper guidance from our external situations.

this doesn’t mean there isn’t a way out. it might just be concealed. and become narrowed.

which explains the contradictory action and thought in certain instances.

one may oscillate between opposing thought and reflect that into their actions whether to trust someone or not based on by their inner firings but this in fact may create a limbo type scenario where by which one does not exactly evolve past a set of habits that guarantee enough safety but also a degree of discomfort where one may not fully articulate where the offending thoughts and feelings may be coming from.

the passage stated above causes one a temporary level. but due to laws of nature this is where one either goes backwards , aka destructive thought. where relationships degenerate and fall apart. or one gives up on the path to have chosen mission to articulate a particular skill set or ones grasp in see how for truth about a topic or fact ones faced with

or thru personal struggle and introspective research, as stated in the reading materials, one may be able to discover that narrow path and get thru albeit this portions emotional firing may depend on the layers one may have garnered and covered oneself with up to this point

as well as the level of and intensity and depth of bias one may have to break through and get out of, which also depend on the information one has available out side of oneself, coupled by ones ability to sort out and differentiate different experiences one may have had in the prior

( the way the introspective research is one where a scientists utilise their own experience and objectively seek out the datum from the data as to say since we gather a lot but the sorting process is something else

whjch depends on many different causes and they produce effect and then we produce more causes by the act of decision making which produces their own results which we also gather so it’s multi layered and then there’s the act of continuity of life itself so we also take data over data stop of already existing data )

this also depends on who or what sources one continues to get their information from whose processes are also personal in their own information gathering. sorting out data as well as their connection to their emotional resources as well as their ability to articulate through it all since

we are social beings and do in fact get affected by our surroundings which also include the people we keep near whose information we trust and guidance we depend on.

sometimes these biases when they are too strong or too rigid can be felt within like sharp corners. when we meet challenges that shake our biases we feel threatened.

when our emotions are not in check and we haven’t developed the mechanism to mitigate the bridge between such without making a scene we end up reacting strongly which leave behind strong impressions on our mind states which can further cause us to oscillate bc now on top of breaking down past barriers of previously gathered biases we now have to deal with purifying our emotional stores of inner knowledge.

then there is our soul journey that is not separate entirely from our human identity bc it itself is here but acts as a higher self or an inner guide. some say it’s the little voice inside or the absolute knowing.

the more we are coloured by our perception and filled with over abundance of conflicting information the less likelier that we can hear this inner voice of truth and divine wisdom.

what does it sound like tho. albeit in a world full of technology and varying degrees of information and diversity and the like. intentions of which can vary between helping and hindering each depending on context of matters

where we have spying and dividing and conquering

where we don’t get to see the unity we feel inside as on the outside bc albeit we know somewhat that inner and exterior must be aligned for the true harmony of unity of species to be truly experienced and transpired onto the continuity of our evolution of our species

this still seem to be on dream stage and

well. the voice is there still. and we mistake it to the voice of others sometimes bc of the formation of our species and dangers within and our inability to introspectively see what is depending on their causation and so that the effects are know.

maybe u hear that ur mind is an enemy. that illusion or what we think might or might not be caused us much suffering aka over worry or things like schizophrenia or multiple personality disorders and other conditions such as bipolar disease (polar extremes and ones inability to balance between it for better utility of such gift )

are all but part of a maladjustment since on th exterior we may have similarities and we may see differences

such as skin and characteristics and likes and dislikes

the same is reflective of our inner wirings.

i wouldn’t say per se. fix the external conditions and everything interior will align bc then we would also have to do the respective inner research and align inner resources to its authentic markings.

this may or may not also solve the conundrum we come across. if human beings are inherently evil or not. where do bad behaviours that are abound come from. and how do they get instilled into people in the first place. were they falsely achieved as per our consciousness back then or are they standard and absolute truth as well articulate them as they are written in historical texts

one clue is that we used to think and believe so strongly that a meteor was gods way of punishing us. another is that our perception initially gave us illusion that everything else revolves around us. the sun and the stars and the moon.

and we have come a long way as to debunk some of our previously false beliefs and half hearted notions. there is some that are persistent as to our differences and the way we practice goodness and self righteousness or that’s we may mistake separatist movement for a security measure. which are harder to break free from.

but i believe it can be achieved if we really want it to be.


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