what is motivation and intention.

to me. motivation is what u show up for everyday. what is the drive behind the perseverance u have towards smth. or the tolerance upon which issues may arise within whatever u may find urself entangled in.

intention is the trajectory towards which we direct our way so that we are utilizing our motivation by what we do every day. our day to day decisions. reflect the intention towards which we set the pace in the trajectory we wish to wield our way.

the biggest of intention is wishing for the welfare and liberation of all beings on earth. nothing supersedes this. bc while all others maybe personal interest or covetious ness or divert the path to overcoming hardship via hurting or harming others or deceiving them or using them as a stepping stone to our own personal betterment the care and consideration for all which includes ur enemy’s liberation ( as they need it not as they or u may want it to be certain way. bc we cannot determine others lesson and path for them. plus it’s not my or ur responsibly to determine that for them. so when we stay away from such specificalities upon others struggles we are basing this intention from our own personal approach since we wouldn’t want it to be done u to us as well in our personal transgressions and hardship as well as soul development what not also that each must heal and learn naturally by their own life and experiences . but this portion is heavily hacked and manipulated to a point where now we find ourselves at such conundrums of contractions as well as gaps within our development as a result of such. that’s why u hear things like things aren’t as they seem and when folks memorize wisdom and act in a deceptive way it self becomes dominating lesson before we can get to all others within our own progress also if ur enemy becomes ur enemy no more this eliminates tables turning and continuation of repetition of the same life experiences and wasting time and energy for the same appeal bc then we would be liberated from the limbo this otherwise creates ) since all other intentions would demand from us such actions we may not be able to recover quick. such as wars. exterminating others bc we think they are threat and magnifying their flaws so as to hide ours or pin all the worldly blame on some bc it seems like an easy solution to solve world issues. if u see for instance, things will go wrong for a long time. generations even. and then things will heightened. get real big as to what a loud mess it all becomes and everyone gets invested into a common world problem where they r all paying attention or affected in in some way and then ofc. the next thing that happens is that u get a scapegoat and close the case and tell everyone ( bc by now everyone is invested and their attention is on the objective done are hurt and displaced that they wish to find respite and security much like a sloppy way to close a case and punish the criminal so those ones feel safety n security again. u know how some lawyers will lie and distort information and find a criminal to close the case ? kinda like that) that we are safe now everyone, the monster who is responsible with all our world problems and generational suffering is no more and things should get better from here on out. and then the good never comes. things don’t change. the issue replaces another one and we are get faced with another conundrum. it’s almost too predictable by now that we must stop and ask ourselves whether if this approach has served anyone nor has it been effective in terms of solving our core problems ( thus would concern all of us in some way. whether it’s being more aware so that ur not easily used or ur the one who must end a toxic habit that harms others bc of ur limited thinking, doesn’t matter. each of us will find the right innermost adjustment to do our part within which we find ourselves in this human social conundrum)

because we talk about soul nutriments. that which we seek in form of information or data that convey some type of insight so that we kind of have advantage over the mechanisms via better understanding . but we either don’t realize that we are part of smth greater or we feel inferior at the very thought that the universal systems is bigger than us which reflects our common suffering as human beings of being constricted and in a body governed and influenced by laws that are natural and cannot be augmented. hacked or changed or altered. yet we still insist that we have power to change that which is out of our control and so as a result of such misdirected approach to our common problems as well as life at large we end up not doing the things that are priority which will lead us to the common trajectory calculated by our common intention that needs to be awakened and fully realized so that we become present in our circumstances as well as to our true inherent power that we wield it in alignment of the true intentional direction towards which where we are transcending our inconsistencies and becoming more true to our nature. ( also when we are not grateful for the traction we cumulatively made and our bounty and past sacrifices of our ancestors that lead us to these days. and continue to do harm to each other we may not initially realize that when all our efforts do their rounds and go out into space and then come back as feedback. that’s where the real work begins. thus we have power to enlighten or blind each other spiritually which means that the same is true of ourselves even tho we may not realize it until the deed is done )

so we don’t even know why we are here. why we are human species as well as why we do the things we do. we cannot tell where we have been. who we were before we got here and we can be pessimistic about things and say who cares. i live here yolo i can do what i want. whether god exists or not doesn’t matter. i will acquire as much experience for myself as possible and at the end of the day there is no god or place to be in the afterlife.

and u may or may not notice that your life choices is what causes u much suffering or good. and where u place ur intention as to how to direct ur will towards that which allows ur motivation to do its thing. (or being too much in thought or in. the mind where we are so busy calculating and thinking of strategies that we forget to stop and feel and our emotional purity goes down the well and it causes us contradiction in our natural system. our person. no wonder why we are generally not satisfied with life in general. ours included. for too much time and energy is wasted on covetousness. of superseding ur brother or sister than the plethora of good we can all do each day. doesn’t matter how small or large it maybe. even in ur simply being there’s quality of input that contributes to the world at large. )

but for instance when we think long term as opposed to short term gains for personal interest versus caring for everyone equally then the long term proves to be more dominant than the short term ordeal since long after ur gone that what ever u did here u have left behind ( in things systems effects memories n in feelings as well as advances and displacements of others from near or far. direct or indirect. clear or subtle doesn’t matter. it’s all inter connected ) as it continues to enfold and evolve in ur absence, would still impact u wherever u are or end up at next after u die. that is the quantum entanglement right ? which is what buddhism says that u can have eons “” of suffering and that eons is representative of the fact that just bc a situation is absent on the surface doesn’t mean that it’s influence and effects have also ceased. and that should make us ask ourselves ( dalai lama says it takes three years to be. a awakened buddha urself tho it has to be continuous. u can’t oscillate between higher school of thought and covetious ness behind closed doors or oh let me do this one harm and then i’ll be good theories or get or inspire or influence or manipulate others to do ur dirty work for u bc everything gets weighed and accounted for. especially those unseen connections ) what we are doing today that’s going to affect us long term even after the presence of given situation has ceased. i’m talking about learning from ur current life bc everything that plays out that large also plays out in smaller contexts in dealings with each other. the fact we go to bed at night and our death hormone activates in our sleep and our consciousness travels without the body and the next day is another chance for us to do right with everything gives us clues as to the process of death and how things tend to seem like. as well as their predictable patterns and systems that are inter connected

and in that. these are both bad and good times. they terrify us on that they challenge our vulnerabilities. we can cease to exist at any given time n the quality of the future and welfare of next generations are under heavy control and question. as to where they may lead. and great in that things are so bad and they have gotten progressively worse over years that if u wanna redeem urself this is it. this is the time to do it. so i welcome anyone today to cast aside their animosities and past transgressions and see that there’s a lot of work that needs to be done and u too can overcome ur hardship ( on levels ) and become enlightened and good in ur soul and heart. it doesn’t have to be perfect but it has to be real.


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