in this world everything has a price tag

everything unfolds from the systemic portion of reality where those who adopt the measures already in their as is formation tend to trickle down through the system and among each other via art of accidentally leaking information that others thereby grasp onto and exteapolate further the share among each other.

each day. u may undress urself for some purpose or other in exchange of money so as to sustain urself for ur longevity.

so the spiritual aspirant. would seek the spiritual fruits of others. gather various data found on text. and then see from the masters of what the consequences of the systems effect that causes side effects on others then ur summoned to perform duties as to clarify or purify intent so as to keep people in their docile state .

for the spiritual aspirants there is no competition but then there’s a. whole enterprise behind the ordeal. u can put literally anyone against each other. but good of u can find smth that can really get the gears going on some people whose juxtaposition is the frustration borne out of general state of malaise and systemic injustice done repeatedly to them.

so when people are struggling with the systemic injustice and their purview is blocked by discriminatory as well as distracting from what’s really happening. since the art of distraction is to make it seem like people are seeing smth themselves whereas ur the one who’s pointing the finger at a objective u wish them to delve in. (oh and we aren’t not able to see the future. they r purposely refraining from moving forward. but seething backwards to establish grounds for their great reset which is continuity of their power grabs but with revamped sense of spirituality or acting like they are the responsible ones who should’ve looked up to even tho few decades early they’ were silently killing people in droves )

the whole enterprise isn’t to help heal the people. but to form the systems around the spiritual evolution portion of stuff but with ur hands clean even tho u have not only partook in the inevitability of those systems function in a destructive way but u urself were either a beginning or intermediate urself. or that u were told to wait. meaning the partial information sharing has its own karma.

then when people train and assign such leaderships. we may get the glimpse that things are changing but if we stop and see that people are pitted against each other for the ill competition. of which should be granted the right to exert power and take credit for changing things , and as well as to divert ones own process meaning that those who initially partook in the objective don’t exactly like what they r doing. and they are getting old or they didn’t get the abundance or whatever vision they started out for so now they must let go or project those inconsistencies ( their own bc let’s keep in mind their development isn’t same as urs and mine for they tend to be too busy with affairs of others hence have no time to self adjustments which are required from every individual to be responsible with ur own ) on targeted others bc if we also stop and observe that when as person is too preoccupied with strategies to win to survive or to implement a dedicated portion of system functions established on the unsuspecting reality of others whose vulnerability and dependence on such matters tend to supersede the right to choose then u also discover how much time these elaborate planning and training the right people as well as deploying such situations and even doing things that transpire occurrences that u may think or find to be beneficial to ur hidden agenda that hides beneath the surface and that in and of itself gives us clues that most things we see out there have a script.

and actors.

but it didn’t stop there. so heading back to the spiritual aspirant who’s selected for their beauty over the substance and the substratum of their person exerting compassionate power without attachment to any opine that acts as objectively grounded in the balance between stark opposites but works towards the frivolity of supposition that there among us the superiority of beings who wish to take the lead on almost any topic. so to say. which we see adoptions of myriad of cultures backgrounds of which have either been suppressed . seized from them. all the while they are prevented from practicing their origin as well as their own dharmjc path.

on why u can’t love and hate at the same time is precisely this. when one is selectively putting others against each other. or financially presenting some to be to have the right to the work of others is precisely due to the insistence on the corruption of the same systems that spiritually calls out on.

and much like the truth that u can’t have hate and love concurrently at the same sentence. the same is true of the true nature of divine aspect of spirituality that is already available for all. it’s the material reality that causes people the illusion of stationary or fixed mentality and absolute identity. we just strongly identify with our struggles and become conditioned too severely on such and as a result of such. we may be as good as background actors in a given story line. but unlike a movie in real life people aren’t disposable shallow and their lives don’t have any less significance and their rights are no less than u and i.

but sadly the system operators find respite from their own spiritual and personal suffering when they extrapolate these events. combine them and put people against. each other that’s the reason why when they get called out they fall silent or continue on their mission to spread false information on others and while taking credit for others hard work (selective reasoning has its goods and bad. the good is u can ignore smth and assume the danger is not there and the bad is eventually u will face whatever u need to internally or in life events as to ur own spiritual diversion and caution on ur way) . or put others against each other so that by causing divide and play on peoples need u never have to solve a thing all over but only switch the placement of such stationary suffering on some whereas grant rights and abundance to all others with hidden agenda in mind. (bc they selectively speak on what u point to. they also do the same by selectively putting others against each other and selectively doing things not bc they don’t know what things are to be done but the selective reasoning with selective actions do not produce selective end results )

when things are extreme that’s when u know things are out of whack. this means that people will give u ultimatums to get u to be on their side even when ur on disagreements with most things. so someone who wishes to help u will withhold that help ( or act as blockade to ur spiritual reasoning. or block ur alps then and screws to information online that’s available for others bc ur targeted to have ur stuff excessively augmented so as to publish u. give u a alarming feeling inside of being left out or left behind or no longer part of smth bc ur not doing the specific personal tasks ur asked to do ) unless u do this thus and this. and then u r like well if i do those things what would the effects be to those things that i do. and whether if that’s authentic to my own blueprint. why can’t we find ground where if for instance u find someone to have skills on some objective to do those objective without signing our life to ur team. ( and mind u having basic access and rights as everyone is not asking for too much. some are just butthurt bc they r not getting the credit they sought and their plans is in the swamp ) is precisely bc these system are developed which take their time and meanwhile people suffer and due interim as they established these systems on the frivolous aspect granted they are geared towards more in line with making things seem like people participated in the formation and upkeep of system thereby which they must share and even take on burden of the side effects to those systems and system operators or while protecting system operators from being held responsible so as to divide and ration the karmic responsibility the system may have produced and have people in groups to succeed. or compete to succeed so then they will be rewarded aptly for their succession on their mission to help all the while acting like this is natural byproduct of our coalescence. (mind u i am optimistic about world issues being solved but also don’t hold my breath for it. when they argue to me so and o is gonna do better than me i know that’s geared to hurt me and not actually solve world problems bc if those problems are solved then i too an happy? and who even thinks this is a leg to stand in in ur own “sound” argument is also beyond me )

in short we are not only being guided to be spiritual whores to clean up the mess of those who know full well what’s going on and what not but we are also susceptible to make difficult choices about our life and our loved ones including the sanctity of family of that means we will be rich and famous if we follow orders to someone else’s toxic continuity rather than appear as we are and be as we appear bc the latter would demand from us assertiveness (for those who don’t know assertiveness has staged so if it gets ignored it gets louder but those who selectively share info only share when ur at the extreme end where ur repeatedly ignored or gaslit or abused as the first time u contacted them about it.) when we are asked such things which would require also from us a basic understanding for our world and it’s systems as well as right from wrong. the tool of discernment almost always get on the back burner bc system on the west especially are designed to make u feel like ur better off than others only to burn ur whole life for others to do the right thing finally. and they are designed to give u impression that u should be happy for what u got all the while forcefully participate in the arbitrary arguments of others whereas they do two things behind closed doors upon ur life and everyone else’s too.

meanwhile there is a call for truth decoders and spiritual teachers for aspirants to navigate the system so they deploy and maintain system and then appoint truth decoders and spiritual leaders in place for the inconsistencies of system function results to be cleaned up which take too much time to instil and invest in meanwhile the task of solving common problems would take on much shorter duration with less to no distraction fro what’s important. (if we only. oh i don’t know. communicated in the open … without mind games and covetousness)

if the systems are not able to be truthful in their own inconsistencies and those who are system operators without guilt or shame for what they have and are doing then there’s no reason to take the systems at face value or not denounce them unless they establish the funds of fortitude as well as truth and transparency in their mode and function. which we see the only transparency some have is be blatantly online in chat rooms during business hours (urs and mine) spreading bullshit and propaganda under telling the future whereas they are part of formation of system and are actually telling people what to expect after they deploy such plans and partake in their formation. (as if it can’t be healed. discussed. and u didn’t just find it like that did u now)

so no one can tell what the future hold. and in the recent years the art of trying to destroy peoples ability to tell what’s next via patterns and predictability of cycles and systems to be more obscure and in place of such would only make peoples more depended on external system or each other via forming healthy communities but the system operators know that people can’t maintain healthy relationships with each other ( plus it’s easy to spy on and manipulate people in their natural habitat when they don’t notice bc then u can mistake muting as ur own ) and are too ill prepared to think in community setting that if they were given opportunity they would sell out their brothers be an informant or what have u just to be rich and famous if the deal is good. ( with lack comes abundance. that’s why u hear some saying it’s good feeling to make money , it feels good to get out of a rut but it’s better to not create one for others interim)

there’s also myriad of job descriptions that people are forced to do bc they need the money. so when this happens. there’s a lot of dead ends whe smth called scam is exposed. and the people are confronted this and there is no bad guy to pin things to bc the transparency isn’t transparent in that there is hard evidence in ur hands should things go wrong. ( mind u inflation is bogus. we have money and people sitting somewhere. just gotta pair things up and get to work about stuff. the reason why this isn’t likely so is we sit down as spectators watching. world go off the ends. oh see things are gonna get worse. with a pipe in ur hands. u take a swig of smoke and blow it to ur friends face. to which they’d show. yea. things r gonna get much much worse then they bend to their side and scratch their ass)

which when coupled by desperation and vulnerability of others we can see why some folks end up losing their livelihoods and even their minds ( i guess we are not not seeing the bounty of these days. but we must. or some among us must intend on things getting far worse and given that their arse must already be safe or covered )

at any rate. the easier avenue is to simply stop and self reflect and reflect based on by ur experience in this world ur own development and the systems that operate under such laws. we can even examine how some of these entities approached us with so much love and care but are now showing an entirely different face which is full of conniving covetousness and their voice has so much joy out of destroying ur hard work or ur age or seeing that if they manipulate others to hate u and that they succeed at some time in the future and get off of merely just living a destructive painful fantasy of others pain and suffering. ( some live in pure fantasy btw. i see it. it’s weird. others are trying this black magic spy thing on me and merely by the thoughts that they project to me then go out there and spread lies on things i didn’t think or say) ( all desperate attempts to someone who denounced pretty much everything ) ( i get in more trouble or things i didn’t think or say than things i do or done)

i personally see some of these entities scurry in pain and during they are the ones in fear of missing out. they are aging. they don’t like how things turned out generally they enjoy getting the praise they sought and they really enjoy building on age old arguments of pitting females against each other all the while in public they announce to the world they are feminists.

they don’t mind talking on shallow aspects on towards other bc it distracts them from their own problems. ( unhappy marriages. failed parenting. failed at every other avenue such as their spiritual purity. maybe they didn’t see themselves turning out to be this way in this day and age. i do t say this out of hate or haste. i notice that it’s this lack of self love that causes the rest of us much suffering bc if these entities had self love they would be more effective and compassionate leaders ) that’s why we see them in twitter spaces too under different personalities. some of them are doing this on ur time and money. ( mind u i’m one who says don’t shit on even putin bc we have to coexist but this intermediate level evil doing causes us more harm bc it speaks to all sides but thinks of its own bed for when it puts u against each other or do their dirty work for them. ) (not to mention they build on trust and do destructive things on trust which without it our societies pretty much falter and fall. in fact we are dependent on the tolerance and kindness of everyday citizens s’more so than anyone else on earth) ( so some of these leaders have a problem with semi f our time energy and attention on their stupidly and they beg to be worshipped and loved by us even when they didn’t earn it )

unfortunately the countries with the most toxic history in terms of using technology in the wrong way can be examined in the recent decades whether if their antics have subsided or if the issues persist only passively. such as augment frequencies they don’t mind doing it to each other. so they won’t cast u aside as special unless u have full use for them and u dont mind where they place u in life. that’s a pet of totem pole never took my interest at heart. we are either wails or gtfo.

ofc i caught a mistake of mine. but that was didn’t times. a near death experice and i dontknow the people how can u win at a game when no one can send anonymous letter for clarity when thjngs go wrong is beyond me. but i get caught in worldly affairs much like anyone. and people involve me in things i know nothing of or aren’t relevant to me. but i do know this for sure. a mistake can just be one thing. that we highlight. but the issue is not dissipating. the issue is there only that it has been attribute to someone else’s doing. u try to seek out those who are rightful owners of such wrongdoing. instead of denying the whole struggle.

i think i found the face of who the issue belongs. and it’s a harrowing find. i’m terrified. and i wish others and especially those who do such things to realize how scary and terrifying they are and have been. in looking. back introspectively in order to align those truths and pair them with my recent findings of the experience that i been part of in the last two plus years. all i can say is that some will go great lengths to do the stupidest of things if that will grant them some type of respite or karma served for the reconciliation of their own inconsistencies borne out of their own choices and actions. ( and like hungry ghosts they will not be satisfied at all. i’d they succeed with u do u think it stops there ? no bc ur not the problem they are )

and usually would look the other way but u can see why i can’t with this one bc this was years in the making. it cost a lot of pain suffering loss of time and discrepancies between each other. and also mind u. some of these clowns will try to convince the world how much i meant to them but never did they once sent me an anonymous letter ( to protect their identities if that was the only thing that stop them from communicating openly and effectively on smth they profess they really care about ) yet they run their mouths like this was the most tragic thing ever happened (or we are that acquainted or buddy buddy with each other. bro. get off my dick already ) . mind u. i have contacted these people. blue check next to their name. too good to reply for most of them. and i dont sent text with expectation of a return of sentence. but the point is. communication tools are there.

and it shows that i have tried to communicate with a lot of them via emails and on twitter. not only have they never responded on those implement topics like ever but they also continue to pretend that personal issues tend to supersede the professional or the professionalism to a. extend where they act out like teenagers and the world should be adorned by their attention grab. not to mention they base important decisions on economy and the like in this mind state . or. u may say they r using me to make statements and divert the people and cause unhappiness and try to steal stuff that doesn’t belong to them.

and i also say this because if u see some of the economical speak out there and some spiritual ones they are all stained in this type of garb. and u may ask why. then why did we get to this point in time and why me even ? what’s the trajectory is not too hard to see, hardly anythjng of worth is ever changing. our basic needs are same. and unless we are making changes from those establishments. everything else some of these supposed experts speak is malarkey.

ur not missing out on anything if u rest and allow ur spirituality to be independent in that u have fully established the art of downloading information ( the more we take time to rest and allow to mediate and know and have space for potential there who spy and try to induce us with artificial thoughts , the more likely we are to build strength and skill to get info organically ) (same goes for spaces and tv and media and all other things we put in our minds. take time to balance and connect with nature and ur true self. know urself. it will save ur life someday) vital for all without the constance seeking of information provided in spaces (some spy on u and target u and say accordingly bc they know ur there lot of weird stuff happens everywhere. ). for intel. cos it’s someone else’s stuff. someone theorized it. and people use technology to spy and see u even when ur consciousness is at work on smth else. so also worth to keep that in the purview at all times. until we open source satellites and eliminate middle men to determine who we can trust and what is kosher for funds. (what more bizarre is the last two plus years trauma was preventable they did it and now they wanna give u spiritual ointment . ? what a disrespect upon those to themselves if they allow such. but don’t worry. if u don’t know the thing about spirituality is much like poison and snake. u need a bit of their poison so u heal and the. be free urself )

and maybe save the planet too while we are at that.


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