i don’t worry about

personal issues that much as focusing on the common objectives that are holding us cumulatively back at this time.

what are those u might say? well there are inner and exterior conditions that need shift and realignment so that we are finding the balance we find ourselves and where we find ourselves in

that is our human behaviour. which requires excellence. what does that mean. it means u r not making excuse for any external condition for ur poor behaviour. meaning that if u look around u may find many reasons to blow off the handle urself. there are so many reasons to feel antagonized toward others. u may find any reason to criticize others. to compare yourself to others which can be demoralizing in ur way to overcome ur portion of hardship as well as cause u backwards motions from overcoming said hardship if you give into negative line of thinking and conniving attitudes equal to those who u antagonize openly. ( only u can determine ur intention but that doesn’t mean others cannot see it clearly by assessment of why u say and do what u say and do and the end results ) ( but u must know what ur t u but to do urself as u do it also)

the other. more important one goes along the lines of our material reality. in which we find ourselves thru the functions of system that are meant to govern and serve. which attributes to our surroundings and that which conditions us long term. slow deliberate burn from subtle frequencies it exhumes. i would say this is more important if we must choose but we fail to see. irregardless to how we wish to identify a given problem everything relies on attribute to human behaviour and it’s perfection so to say. (and we are alll subject to it that i doubt anyone among us is truly awake and knows what’s up or what’s going on. many are on the tips of their toes as they go along and a handle another conundrum. which is scary bc i would say being self perfected and howling wisdom as u get older should be serving of everyone in some way. but when we make such assessment the older some get. in power places and leadership roles. the worse it seems in terms of where the wisdom is being wielded which portion is a wisdom – since anyone can. learn anything that same goes for evil getting better. after it loses. it gets worse or more calculating or conniving etc – and also there’s a degree of entitlement the older people get who didn’t do their own inner work and corrected their ways. so u would think that things would improve but those who get older who rule the world end up casting themselves aside as special whereas cut the chord between other older generation whose wisdom can serve us from the new generations. hence destroying of families but u can also look to deserting even one life for whatever selfish purpose )

so even in addressing those issues. a degree of excellence is necessary to overcome such hardship. tho for instance u may be right in ur argument but wrong in relaying it. painting urself as danger to society. so if u go about equalizing ur own reasons by the threatening authority do u think they will do the right thing or grant u the freedom u seek? ( and i’m realizing the justice department is screed but if the control is in their hands do u think ur gonna achieve any peace or change by promoting violence. bc some among us may fully be aware of same issues in systems but wish not to wage wars to go about it. we have kids. health conditions and may wish to go about things differently . u maybe holding us all back by ur violence also. that’s why i say we all need to speak and be part of decision process on common issues. ) honest question bc u would be weakening ur own argument even tho u have probable cause and reasonable sound argument in ur hands. by threatening and acting like a violent person u shoot urself on the foot bc u do precisely that. prove to them that human beings cannot be trusted bc they can lose control at any time or that they. if given the chance to overcome hardship and reach freedom will in turn hunt u down and cause way too many problems no one needs today ( i recognize our issues. which start from discipline of the mind by how others choose to pick and choose from my words to make general focus of it today. watch. u will see. at the very least i will get deafening silence. ask me why i’m still doing this everyday tho )

surely there’s a difference between introspective search to determine how we got here but what we find there we cannot use it as a excuse to not reach personal excellence today.

what this means is that when we look back with our current consciousness level we see the ease by which some things may seem 20/20 or clear from hindsight but that’s the thing tho. everything looks clear in hindsight and hardly ever when we are knee deep within it and are passing through as we speak. but this should give us some type of sensitivity and grace to become more self aware and present at what we do each day and continue to. change the parts that only appear clear when we pass thru it if that makes sense.

for me personally speaking we need to become self determined in terms of what self means. but we cannot change this for everyone. the part about self that we use as a baseline fro. where everything else spring forth is in us all. and it’s attribute to one source. before this life we all came from somewhere. so this life we are living in. although is convincing in emphasize that this is all there is. it’s not. it’s just a small fraction of the whole that which we know deep within beyond words. beyond labeling things. and defining through limits of language even.

language is meant to clarify things but even then. words fall short. i know this bc i do this everyday. we squander precious time. whereas u could be relaying a important information for me to elaborate on ( or that which i didn’t know ) so that i can continue helping my part … i end up getting hit on or being shamed for own thing or other. and each day i wanna participate in human condition and do my part within it. i end up getting confronted with dumb alternatives where we could focus on the common grounds and get work done only to get distressed and u gotta ask urself if that’s part of. someone’s strategy and if we are playing into it blindly. like u really gotta try hard to ask urself as u encounter literally anything whether if it’s strategic and is trying to play u into its hidden hand. that’s where we are cumulatively are at. and try doin that without losing heart and soul as u remain open and not fall in line with what these years are trying to condition into us.

i don’t know about u but my guard is still up today as it was last year. or few years ago even. and i don’t know what this means for u but it’s certainly not hate. it’s just apprehensive sceptical awareness that approaches everything. that is everything. with caution. one of the tenets of spirituality is that no matter what u do not hate. and no matter how difficult things get and they get challenging and hard for everyone. although for some it’s a more direct danger. to their body and person. we should be on our top game ourselves bc we are all contributing to solve issues everyday or adding more to them by our actions. and choice of focus. that means that maybe each of us see a problem solved in our minds in our own way but somehow not all of it is accurate bc it’s either self serving. meaning u want revenge or someone hurt or killed or u want frivolous issues solved among all and overcome common hardship and improve common grounds (aka priorities how can we simplify common objective that serve all if not most and the most urgent beneficial ways for the utmost sustainable measures that’s also cost effective ) . be more liberated urself and wish liberation on all (that includes the bad guys too for instance my spiritual approach wants others to be liberated not further depended on me i will always fond my next focus next passion. i’m fluid i change with the ebbs and flow of life and our conditions we find ourselves in. and if smth sticks or is long duration the that’s good too. but i’m not dogmatic in what i do everyday. i want liberation for all which includes what makes bad person be bad. why did they feel so much hate or did those things. there’s problems and for everyone issue there’s a solution but it has to be ethical and humane. ) so that we no longer use each other as personal crutch or for our personal hidden agenda or selfish mission but be more forthcoming about our human condition and past transgressions as well as where we find ourselves today. meaning that time is running out and global warming is breathing down our necks. some swampy warm weather thing. and it’s polluted and icky. so is our dwindling of resources

well. i’m well aware but i’m not gonna go about it via more wars and violence. ( ok and then two dumbest things. cos cleaning up our garbage is one thjng and then those who cultivate our food is another. important jobs but looks at us squander them and place all our bests on torturing and killing others ) so the first thing to do is recognize if all crimes are created equal. i was thinking this yesterday, some are not capable of recognizing he eleven of evil they do not are they able to find a way out in the ways that fits our intellectual capacity to grasp the issue and the determinable approach to it .yes. scary finding indeed but what are we gonna do. continue to excavate more issues by throwing gasoline into the fire or change something else from where we are which should continue our part since we all have a say. u may not recognize ur own power yet. maybe u do but choose to squander it. that to is a choice and that too has its own lessons. take ur time but do let go what no longer serves u. me included. i try things out and make such assessments myself.

i’m forced to change myself when i realize i cant change anyone and the world. even it’s systems are conditioned and set in a long time long term way. to change the mould not be overnight. even tho the determinations may seem like it. bc these would attribute and reflect common actions and how we are gonna go about keeping our grace whenever issues may present themselves interim during the adjustment period. . i can’t do anything about the past. only do what i can where i’m at with what i got and lay everything else to rest. everyone has a price tag. based on by the hand of their own karma bc their own ignorance as well as their personal choices that they had to make. and that’s an attribute to individual karma and the indivisible one that serves us all equally under one sun. where nothing is new. and nothing is for long remains hidden.


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