good morning

i can’t believe it’s may already. we have gone through 1/3 of this year so far and it’s been quite a challenge wouldn’t u say? what with all the wars and current ways of handling our common issues … where not much has changed for better at least not yet. not sure how i feel about the advancements we make during these years but i see it as a planting of the seeds for future that some of us may not see personally. much like planting trees.

so with tht said. what is freedom to you? to me it’s freedom from future suffering and unrealistically shortened life. it’s the right to evade potential drama of others and entanglements that weigh heavy on our hearts. it’s the ability to keep simple and be on ur way to spiritual purity despite the many factors u may find in reality that promotes otherwise. that evil is strong here and permanent. that since everyone is doing it. it should be ok if u do too. but i digress. i think those seeds are available just as any other seed and we get to have the choice to choose which ones to water daily. ( choice and freedom are one and the same and we can see limited choices offered by some and in some other instances we aren’t even granted any)

tho some may say that it’s harder to cultivate good seeds and water them and they feel coerced forced and pushed into situations that force them to water bad seeds. (unethical business practices and general lack of job availabilities apply here and financial hardship can also give folks to make decisions that are not in alignment with their values)

or that we finally cave into the general sense of pessimism. that smth is too big. it’s far bigger than i. ( so here i can get fear of missing out in the world of shit so then u go well let me get started doing crap of my own so i can catch up to the worlds own crap) ( if u fail to get along with the worldly crappy games then u may luck out on owning a home or having. resources or saving a into old age some people don’t even get that chance if they r disabled or can’t afford healthcare ) a one person who may recognize the right and wrong within it but i may also see the many things at play. such as superiority among others. conniving behaviours. manipulations. distracting people from what is to what if and what not. alternate reality that forces itself as the primary as is ness. the general sense of helplessness , of feeling small and useless. negativity that’s constantly being churned out. this wouldn’t be the first time i was told that i’m ugly or stupid for instance. or useless or use only in specific predetermined department some wish to utilize for their selfish purpose bc the deal is too good .. which only exploits the worlds own levels as to what we consider divine in the first place and shows our priorities are out of whack as well as how we tend to wield things of truth such as equality and equal rights or human rights in general. ( through time and time again we see large swaths of people die and get displaced due to stupid reasons all the while we look the other way and assure ourselves to be doing well. well. bc it’s not us we may think that’s ok. or we may see that just by the unity appeal we can help each other out of such conundrums – but we can’t do that by making some suppers or even in their struggles if we cannot apply the same jurisprudence on everyone equally- . we cannot do that if we keep telling ourselves the changeable parts within system that can’t be changed whereas change or displace entire lifetimes which should not have been breached bc each human is sovereign divine being whose value cannot be price tagged. )

or the misuse of someone’s dignity and sexuality in a despicable way and trying to normalize that among others bc of the way things have developed so in an attempt to cover up ur tracks u wanna both do good and bad with ur self interest at heart and u don’t mind how to go about it. i see some people tske entire groups and populations of people and augment their situation for them it’s like nuts. like ur playing a lego set and u grab an entire group of folks and place them over there or put them in situations that u wield in a certain way colouring perception n ofc u have to appeal to their sense and make them feel special or proud but it’s all this actions that hurt and harm others no matter how we paint it. that makes the whole difference as to where we cumulatively go next and we tend to miss that point entirely.

so for me. the freedom is not so free if we think it entails what we wanna do. if we don’t already practice this truth in which the truth encompasses all equally in some way where we do not feel like we must cast ourselves apart (or isolate others in extremism with social conundrums and ultimatums we may offer for benefit of this or that objectivity we may entangle others in our personal business in some way without the full story the whole truth or the conditions all there in) and away from others for the survival of the fit test that which we all fall prey due to the survival mindset on the back of our heads to date which hasn’t fully settled in with the civilized democratic mindset all the while looking at the rest of the world and antagonizing the effects of the causes of which our ancestors might have at some time hand in the making of which we then must ask ourselves wholly and truthfully what we can do to remedy the evil we think we perceive in reality as part of that cumulative something that may be easier to determine but will take its time to become manifested in our reality at large due to each person’s trauma whose unique implications also contain within it ones own personal karma and what they came here to this planet with in terms of their unique skill set as well as strengths and weaknesses that test the existence in relation to how we convey ourselves and conduct ourselves among other differing minds and hearts on their own personal missions. (and i think the longer we fail to acknowledge each of us have smth to offer. and have purpose and passion on earth. the harder it will be for any of us to come out of any type of suffering. some of this suffering happens bc we cast ourselves away and want to be ahead of others so we hurt others or mislead or deceive or use them for our selfish purpose and then we get discouraged bc we feel deep hurt within but don’t know why or the source of it whereas we do it to ourselves the day we choose to do it to others in any way no matter how covered or subtle it maybe. what’s in our hearts is clear as day even when it’s not noticed by many during our wake)

i see that some folks in extreme opposites cast themselves away or allowed themselves to be misled so much that initially what appeared to be exasperating or relief( and you can’t blame it people are told to wait. their life stagnates. they are prevented their rights or neeed. then they r deployed like devils who were kept too long on a shelf somewhere where they r nearing their expiration date to overcome their hardship when things diverge such as flip flop self contradiction or the momentum they make for momentum sake even when it’s proven to be wrong over and over …) to their senses is now the same thing that dense up holding them back where they may not even realize that they are cornered by their own hand guided by the invincible voice of some ( and here we get smth between isolation to fake friends or false idols or bad faith actors who give us specialty enough to keep going but no reason nor rhyme as to why even or on what appeal) whose advent evil instead might have them in a way that if u control the people just right and have them where u want them only then ur own inner forces calm down from a storm to a place where each of us desire at the end of the day. a joyful happy carefree childlike and innocent. back to innocence ring a bell within any soul today? ofc it must. we all wish to be in the safe place like our initial objective with our familial structures and families where the open arms of a loved someone at the end of the day is the home we call and seek safety from the harsh elements of an external world of indifference and differences that are taller than ones virtue so we end up all own ourselves to be stained. ( and the hub of true creativity is the innocence but how do we clean our conscience did we partook in evil and blind as well as wilful ignorance of others or by our own weaknesses ) in fact it hardly matters who stained us initially or with what intent ( it does matter but it’s part of a whole and also if ur alive then u have a second chance if ur not alive then it can’t be wasted a single life is divine no matter how soon or how bad it’s cut short and is death not justified no matter how others delusions in a given matter may seem like it matters more ) . so long as we recognize the matrushka effect passed down from generation to generation but it’s not as much as what happens as versus what we do thereafter that sets the pace of our spiritual lessoning which is meant to make our load on our journey lighter. if it gets heavy. we are probably got some concept wrong.

this is not the same as others projection of a reality that gets heavy on our shoulders bc we live in a world where we are only expected to be reasonable if the authority fails in achieving the right result only after having manipulated us or played with our life. which end results may make them look bad do in an attempt to depart from the effects of their initial cause to cause a specific outcome bc they may not find joy in the over abundance of their personal successes but may not find the bottom line in pursuing such shallow desires they seek out to correct the world instead bc they may see that many in their tribulations find more joy and love among each other and well there’s also the downside to this bc many others in their pursuit of overcoming. hardship may become discouraged also why? based on by the explanation above that we do get discouraged or desensitized or pessimistic about stuff after giving so much effort to things that don’t produce even the slightest respite since those who do the conduct cannot encompass all which is why killing some en masse or turning ur back to some suffering while hyper focusing all ur resources to business of others tend to skew the balance of where we need to relocate our resources based on by our advances as well as privilege to taking up such offices and job descriptions that can offer better alternative than squander it on our personal missions since tomorrow is not a guarantee if one of us suffers. and so how do we not cause harm if we can’t help anything. we think today. and in our think g we being our hearts within everything g in our entailing and dealings personal and interpersonal like. this is what sets us apart from simply machinations of otherwise careful calculations and constancy of practicality and admissions of actions. a grounded mindset takes the time even amidst such strong storms that to be rooted in ur person and way both and well being will suffice to tell right from wrong and thereby do. it takes too real the illusion of isolation and separation if u do. reach out and connect with like-minds who will be there for u and u too will find out the unity starts within. all else springs forth via various other factors like right intention. right speech and our understanding of general statements. and what they attribute to. this includes the indivisible world and everything within it that keeps us connected.


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