sadly twitter is too triggering it’s one place that’s not good and i wish to not support it. there’s all these things that take place. i’m sure people discuss. maybe i deserved what’s coming. maybe the shame and game an all the fraudulistic behaviours of others is just the way the world works.

i mean everyone needs money and everyone starts from somewhere. we depend on systems that solve their issues in a way that doesn’t take responsibly the way we think. but the way it calculated. at the end of the day if ur mad bc so and so had to plagiarize or take ur idea and run with it while ur on time out . u either let the authorities win by getting mad at those who have to make ends meet or get mad at urself for taking part in the karma of others. bc u instigated it with ur splendid ideas *wink

all the hate aside. i have no hard feelings or hate for those who let joey rule their world. they can see these decisions and place me in a safe place and use me as a focal point for their creativity motivation and what have u but what happens at the end of the day i don’t know ? i feel more at peace not being at twitter trying to reach out to people or fight for the same thing i’ve been screaming from my top of the lungs for but i cannot do it for much longer.

with that said. be careful what u support and i know that wars are going on and u would know me to say that they as part with all that. foresaw and wanted to keep the job going bc things did get heated. sure. this isn’t the absolute truths. obviously many motivations can take place to shoot down multiple birds and have multiple objectives done. these are plans that took decades to shape and refine but don’t take my word for it.

though i would say if ur new in spaces and u have mental issues or emotional problems maybe be careful about who u listen and what advice u choose to take. i don’t think folks who already have skin in the game to worry about them much. if this note doesn’t resonate with u. u can simply ignore. but this is what i do. and i speak up when i notice a pattern and motive. also bc of my past. so the connection is there for sure and in matters such as these unless it’s specifically directed at me. i doubt it tho bc this didn’t seem like a first time ordeal. it seems pretty professional and the motive is there. the system and the mechanism too and it’s not that hard to really see the potential that especially in the western region , some really funk stuff is going on in terms of young people. mental issues and the like. couple that with financial struggles , this could cause us to while we are fighting the current issues at hand , could be a distraction to cause wedge between entirely new species and us who will be so disconnected from us that they will surprise us from behind while we think we are being all busy with solving current crisesess and that is something i wish to not have or have such clinical development of mental illnesses that can’t be detected while the person is acdessible remotely to do things that can hurt us.

i’m saying this as a red flag. it’s possible in these places for things like that to happen and bc they are new. we may not notice. not me though. as much as i. wanna not support twitter. i hate the place. i hate what it did to my life and how it didn’t wanna be responsible irregardless to why happened between me and jack. all that happened under their roof. anyway. but it seems like i will be around and i will be listening and keeping an eye out.

at the very least they will generate new findings and gather more data and then globalize a new mental health thing but u know. for pharma and or other conditions unless they get their tentacles good enough to change all leaderships worldwide too then we are fucked

if nothing else happens. instead of indoctrinating people via internet and satellites like the good old days where things can be teachable. as i have also been pretty explanatory on the subject. very verbose about it and i will not give up. this might just be an addition to it. or a new thing. or an idea evolved to its next shape watch out.


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